“What are you looking for?”
“Oh, I lost my goggles…” Melvin dives again under the lane
lines, skimming close to the bottom of the pool, before popping up again. He
tosses a pair of pink rimmed goggles on the deck.
I’m standing on the deck, dripping
and ready to exit the natatorium. Super
Swimmer man in the lime green cap and turquoise swim trunks stands next to me. I’ve
swam with him in my lane a few times. He’s okay to swim with except that he’s
BIG. Tall, maybe over 6 feet, and muscular. His great white core barreling
through the water.
Now he just stands and watches Melvin.
Nodding toward the discarded goggles, I ask, “Are those what you were
looking for?”
“Not really,” Melvin shrugs before
diving back under the water, swimming close the bottom of the pool again, heading
out to the middle. He’s the Super Swimmer of the pool. Sleek and muscular, fast,
and furious. A lifeguard and a manly man. If he can’t find what he’s looking
for, who can? I muse.
I gather up my stuff and start down
the cold hallway to the locker room. Lime Cap man shakes his head, then says to
me: “Do we ever really find what we are looking for?”
He chuckles. Pleased with his joke.
I stare at him, then shake my head. “Depends,” I say, but before I can
elaborate, he’s gone, striding down the hallway, leaving big man wet footprints
in his wake.
Later, at home now, dry and hungry,
I muse about Lime Cap Man’s question. Do we ever really find what we are
looking for?
I suppose first, you have to know what you’re looking for. If it’s a lost pair of goggles, then that’s rather straightforward. You either find them or you don’t. But what if it’s something more abstract?
Like the meaning of life?
Hell, I’m never gonna find that!
Has anyone? Of course, it’s a question that people have been asking for eons:
philosophers, artists, writers. Socrates. Thoreau. Rodin. It’s a search that is eternal. And unanswerable.
At least as far as I can figure.
So, I’ll stick to more mundane searches.
Right now, I’m searching for ways
to stay warm besides running the heat 24 hours a day, which frankly, I can’t
So, I hunker under the electric blanket with the heating pad behind me. Grab the cat and place her strategically on my ice-cold feet. Sometimes she cooperates. Other times, she’s looking for something else.
Who the hell knows what that could
So far, finding warmth has eluded
me. It’s just not possible. I think I ‘run’ cold anyway. I talk to people who
tell me they are always hot. What would that be like? They never seem happy
about it.
And, I guess,
just to end with the cliché. It’s this ‘happiness’ that we are all searching for,
right? I do believe that I can find this. Though it is fleeting.
In the
pool. At the piano. Snuggling with the cat. Hanging out with Ian.
The search,
though, continues. I’m always looking for something.
Will I find
I hope not.
Cuz without a quest for that elusive ‘something’ would we have any purpose at
to ponder.
I do wonder, though, if Melvin ever found his goggles. I’ll have to ask him next time I see him. That is, if I can remember. I'm still searching for my brain.